Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!


Friday, December 28, 2012

Which Car Color Is Right for You?

When you’re buying a new car, you’re probably going to focus on features first. But after that? It’s all about the color. Did you know that different colors give off different vibes? Here’s what the drivers around you could be thinking when they see the color of your car:

Gold: Warm, Intelligent, Glamorous
Gray: Neutral, Sober, Practical
Dark Green: Well-Balanced, Trustworthy, Traditional
Light Green: Organic, No-Fuss, Understated
Dark Blue: Confident, Credible, Authoritative
Light-Mid Blue: Calm, Faithful, True
Brown: Powerful, Unique
Beige: Natural, Down-To-Earth
Black: Powerful, Classic, Elegant
White: Pure, Pristine, Direct
Silver: Futuristic, Prestigious, Elegant
Red: Sensual, Dynamic, Outgoing

Learn about what other colors could say about you and read the original article here:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Highmark First Night 2013 Is Coming!

What are you doing this New Year’s Eve? It’s not too late to get your buttons for Highmark First Night 2013! This cultural institution happens throughout downtown and is chock-full of musical performances, dance lessons, magicians and other fun, family-friendly activities. There’s even a parade and a fireworks show. Why plan a New Year’s Eve party when you could bring all your friends and family to Downtown Pittsburgh?

All events are free with the purchase of a button. You’ll need to make sure you display it prominently on your coat or outfit. Some events that have limited seating also require vouchers, but these are free. You simply need to register and print them online to get into the events. Each button-holder is entitled to four vouchers - make sure you get one for every member of your group.

Avoid this mess and stress that comes along with planning a party and head to Highmark First Night 2013 instead! Check out their website for more information about activities and to learn where to buy buttons.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Can You Fix Your Blind Spot?

Your blind spot can severely impair your ability to drive safely. While many car manufacturers are adding special gadgets to their vehicles to reduce this liability, there may be a low-tech method that can work just as well:

Passive blind spot warning systems involve -- surprise! -- a mirror. Talk about low tech! Many car manufacturers will offer you the alternative to put a special convex mirror in the corner of your current external rearview mirror that can see into areas where normal rearview mirrors cannot. And if you don't have one of these on your current car, you can probably walk into your local auto parts store, buy one, and install it yourself (though be warned that experts advise against self installation because the precise positioning of these mirrors is crucial). Amazingly, tests have shown these special mirrors, which are the cheapest form of blind-spot monitoring system imaginable, are every bit as effective as sophisticated (and expensive) radar-based systems. And surveys show that consumers who have used both actually prefer the mirror to the radar -- if only because the mirror doesn't blink annoying warning lights at you or make beeping noises. So it's possible that the best state-of-the-art blind spot monitoring system may be one that's been state-of-the-art since the ancient past.

Read the whole article over at How Stuff Works here:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Letters to Santa

Attention all good little boys and girls!  Santa has asked for some help collecting letters for him.  Santa "drop-off" boxes are located at the Monroeville Recreation Department and the Monroeville Public Library.  The letters will be sent "Special Delivery" to the North Pole with Santa responding to each child's letter that he receives on or before Monday, December 10, 2012.  Parents please be sure that the children's names and return mailing addresses are legible.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Top 5 Signs of Engine Trouble

5. Warning Lights: If your car is working properly, these are what Audra Fordin of "What Women Auto Know" calls "hello, good morning" lights. You fire up theengine and the dashboard lights up like carnival. This is the car's computer checking everything out. One by one, each of the lights turns off and you're ready to drive.

If they don't turn off, though, that's bad. Either very bad or slightly bad, depending on which light remains lit. These lights are connected to sensors that monitor everything your car does. If something seems out of whack, the computer will use these lights to tell you what it is. It can't use its words; it's not KITT, you know.

The lights you'll probably want to pay the most attention to are:

  • Check Oil/Oil Level Low
  • Oil Pressure Low
  • Check Engine

The "Check Engine" lamp is perhaps the most troubling of lights because it could mean so many different things, from "you didn't screw the gas cap on tightly enough" to "look out for pistons flying through the hood and into the stratosphere." The easiest way to find out what this light is telling you is to hook your vehicle up to a scan tool. This diagnostic tool looks a little like an oversized calculator and plugs into a communication port inside the car. After you instruct it to perform the scan, it "speaks" with your car's computers to find out exactly what's prompting the light to turn on.

You can purchase your own tool from an auto parts store for less than $100, but then what? You're probably not going to put on your coveralls and crawl under the hood yourself. Instead, visit a service station, where a technician will use the scan tool to identify the trouble.

4. Doing the Jerk: Driving should be free of jerking, surging, or stalling. It should be smooth and easy, more like ballet than Beyonce. What's cool in the club is not cool in an engine.

But if your car is popping and locking, that's a pretty strong sign of engine trouble. It could be due to fouledspark plugs, clogged fuel lines or fuel filter, the main computer reading the driving situation wrong, or many, many other issues.

The last thing you want is for your vehicle to take its own sweet time accelerating, or to give out entirely, as you're merging onto a busy highway with other vehicles barreling down behind you. Likewise, high revving at idle or acceleration that's out of your control are situations you should have a qualified technician investigate and repair as soon as possible.

Preventive maintenance, including regular oil changes and belt replacements at recommended intervals help to keep you out of the danger zone.

3. Rude noises: A tapping or popping that sounds like Barney doing deep knee bends (which never happens), for instance, could indicate detonation taking place within the engine's cylinders. This happens when gasoline ignites prematurely in the combustion chamber of the cylinders and can potentially result in expensive piston damage.

If you hear a grinding noise when you attempt to start your car, your starter motor might need to be adjusted or replaced. If you hear grinding when shifting between gears, it could be transmission replacement time! It's not as fun as it sounds. And if you're driving a manual transmission, do not listen to Uncle Barney when he says, "Grind it 'til you find it."

In most cases, a little bit of noise from either your car or Uncle Barney -- like a mild ticking or clicking -- might be normal. Cars with roller rockers in their valve trains, for instance, emit some ticking noise; and fuel-injected vehicles also produce slightly audible clicks from the injectors [source:].

If in doubt, listen intently, try to track down the general area of the noise as best you can and then attempt to explain it in as much detail as you can to a qualified service professional.

2. Foul Smells: Cars rarely smell delightful. They're burning gasoline or diesel fuel, there's hot metal under the hood, and your brother ate a burrito just before he got in the passenger seat. There's not much you can do about your brother besides open all the windows and monitor his lunch intake, but any other automotive smells that make it into the passenger compartment spell trouble.

The scent may signal oil or coolant leaking from their normally closed-loop systems, or it may indicate dangerous exhaust gases invading your car's interior. Car and truck exhaust contains toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, so if the inside of your car smells as if you were standing behind your car, get out and get it fixed. Fight the urge to take a little nap first. So sleepy. That's the carbon monoxide talking, friends. At least open a window on your way to the shop.

The smell of burning rubber could mean you just did an awesome smoky burnout, or it could be telling you that drive belts or accessory belts beneath the hood are damaged, loose, or worn out. It could also mean that a rubber hose carrying important fluids is touching something that it shouldn't -- something that's too hot and is melting the rubber.

In any case, it's a good idea to act sooner rather than later, as these nasty smells could be linked to a much more crucial and expensive component.

1. Smoke Signals: Smoke can come from the front or back of the car, and it's not good in either case. But the tailpipe will send-up colored smoke in attempt to tell you what the problem is. Here is your secret decoder ring:

Blue smoke: Oil is escaping from its intended passageways within the engineand is being burned along with fuel. Of course, you could always keep adding engine oil to the crankcase to prevent it from being all burned up (and risking serious engine damage), but the smart thing to do would be to take the car in to have any worn or damaged seals repaired [source: Torbjornsen].

White smoke: Water condensation or antifreeze has mixed with the fuel supply. Again, adding coolant or antifreeze to your car's cooling system will keep your car from overheating for as long as you remember to keep feeding the reservoir, but the wise move is to have it checked out as soon as possible.

If the smoke is coming from under your hood, that probably means you ignored white smoke coming out of the tailpipe, and now your engine is overheating. Or maybe you completely forgot to add coolant at all, and the engine overheated.

Article courtesy of:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Avoid “Turkey” of a Weekend with Pre-Trip Vehicle Check

One way to avoid a turkey of a Thanksgiving road trip is to make sure the vehicle you will be driving is running well. A 10-minute pre-trip check is small potatoes compared to a big helping of inconvenience if you break down many miles away from home, according to the Car Care Council.

“A pre-trip vehicle check provides peace of mind, helping reduce the chance of costly car trouble and providing an opportunity to have any repairs performed by one’s own trusted technician before hitting the road,” said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. “While no inspection can guarantee a car’s performance, it’s comforting to know proper precautions were taken to ensure a stress-free Thanksgiving road trip.”

The Car Care Council suggests the following 10-minute vehicle check to help ensure safety and reliability on the road:

  • Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also be checked for bulges and bald spots.
  • Check all fluids, including engine oil, power steering and brake and transmission, as well as windshield washer solvent and antifreeze/coolant.
  • Check the hoses and belts that can become cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or show signs of excessive wear. These are critical to the proper functioning of the electrical system, air conditioning, power steering and the cooling system.
  • Check lighting to identify any problems with exterior and interior lighting as the chance of an accident increases if you can’t see or be seen.
  • Check wipers. Wiper blades should be replaced every six months. Make sure the windshield wipers are working properly and keep the reservoir filled with solvent.

The Car Care Council also recommends that motorists restock their emergency kit. To save on fuel costs during the trip, the council suggests that motorists avoid aggressive driving, observe the speed limit and avoid excessive idling. Gas caps that are damaged, loose or missing should be replaced to prevent gas from spilling or evaporating.

Courtesy of:

Thursday, November 15, 2012

15th Annual Greater Pittsburgh Arts & Crafts Holiday Spectacular

Friday, November 16th is the annual Greater Pittsburgh Arts and Crafts Holiday Spectacular at the Monroeville Convention Center from 10AM to 9PM. Don't miss one of the area's biggest and best Christmas craft festivals featuring over 260 indoor booths in two huge exhibit halls. Browse through a huge selection of holiday decor and trees, embellished clothing, decorative painting, Christmas ornaments, jewelry, pet treats & collars, fabric decor, candles, lotions and soaps and much more. Sample delicious pre-packaged foods including dips & drink mixes, maple syrup products, baked goods, kettle korn, candy, fudge and more.

Bring your camera and have your child's photograph taken with Santa Claus!  Clowns Glitter Dot & Dapper will be painting faces and creating balloon animals! Acres of free parking & shuttle! Festival will be held rain, snow, sleet or shine!

Admission is Adults $6.00  Senior Citizen (65+) $5.50 and Child (6-12) $1.00  Under 6 FREE

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How to Protect Your Car’s Interior


Try to add up the hours you spend in your car. It’s a lot, isn’t it? Commutes, errand runs and road trips can have you sitting in those bucket seats for hours on end, and during that time, you and your passengers are actually living in the interior. That means smudges on the windows, scratches on the dash and food in the seat crevices accumulate and leave you wondering what happened to the spotless interior you swear it had when you first bought the car.

A Quick Clean

Luckily, it’s not that difficult to keep a car’s cabin from looking a little too, well, lived in. First things first, get something to stuff your trash into. Just use a plastic bag or a container you don’t use around the house and throw it in the backseat. You can even affix a temporary hook to the door or seat to keep things even neater. Every once and awhile, take it out and relish in the fact that you haven’t spent an hour cleaning up. Keeping trash off the floor also preserves your carpets, which can get stained from any number of items.

The idea of taking a rag to your dash and leather seats is made easier if you have them on-hand. The key here is to just use a little bit of soapy water to wipe the surfaces of your car – some cleaning products contain alcohols that prematurely dry and age the materials by reducing the flexibility in the vinyl. Store a small spray bottle of your homemade cleaning fluid and a rag under your seat or in a storage bin for access when you’re waiting for your kids to get out of school or sitting in that crazy-long drive-through line. This will also come in handy when an emergency spill happens. Lastly, keep your car smelling like roses (or at least a laundromat) by adding dryer sheets under the seats.

Weather Resistant
You can’t discount the impact weather has on your vehicle either. In summer, sandy feet can quickly make a mess of an interior, and dare we mention the destruction caused by mud and snow? If you spend a lot of time ducking in and out of the elements, you might want to grab some all-weather floor mats. They’re easy to clean and do a great job of keeping the muck in one place.

The sun’s rays can also wreak havoc on your car’s surfaces, causing vinyl to crack over time and materials to fade. A simple solution is to regularly put a sunshade on the windshield. They’re inexpensive and help to keep your interior looking new.

Saving money on repair work and cleaning comes more easily when you take the time to make preventative care a priority. Not only will these tricks make your car a nicer place to be, keeping grime out of your ride will cut down on large maintenance costs in the future and will help to retain its value over time

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Don’t know what to do to celebrate Halloween? Here’s a few ideas:


Allen's Haunted Hayrides
Fayette County
Now in its 33rd year, Allen's Haunted Hayride bills itself as the oldest haunted hayride in America. Ghosts and ghouls await you in the dark woods and fields, and haunted barn. Campfire sites, carnival rides and concessions invite you to make an evening of it.

Castle Blood
Westmoreland County
The MacCabre Family is back for their 20th year in an all-new indoor location in Monessen in Pittsburgh's Mon Valley. This popular haunt includes thrills, chills, awesome special effects, and a very interactive experience. Daytime "no scare" tours also available on Sunday October 21 & 28, 2012.

Demon House
Washington County
The gorgeous old 17-room McCue Mansion in Monongahela, PA, is completely revamped and transformed as a Halloween haunt. This is not your typical haunted house full of gimmicks, however. Owner Billy McCue says there won't be a "guy with a chainsaw running after you." Instead he calls Demon House a "haunted experience."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tire Buying Tips

Understand Tire Basics

Simply put, a tire is a flexible container of compressed air. This air container support the vehicle's load; propels a vehicle forward, backward and side-to-side; stops the vehicle; and cushions the load from road imperfections.

Today's tires have between 19 and 25 different components. Tires are built from the inside out rather than the outside in. The heart of every tire is an inner liner. Its job is to give the tire shape and hold in air. Fabric belts are wrapped around the inner liner. The bead is fastened to the bottom of the fabric belts and holds the tire to the wheel.

On top of the fabric belts are steel belts. These belts have two jobs: They give the tire stability and make the tread pattern as flat as possible. (A flatter tread means more contact with the road.) The tire tread is on top of the belts. There are different tread patterns for different types of tires. The sidewall on the side of the tire gives it stiffness and ride characteristics. A taller, softer sidewall will absorb more bumps, while a shorter, stiffer sidewall will provide better cornering ability and sharper steering response.

On the sidewall of every passenger-car and light-truck tire is an alphanumeric code that describes the dimensions of the tire. For most tires, this code will start with a "P." Some may start with an "LT" to signify light truck. Some tires may have a "Max. Load" indication. When selecting new tires, it is important to make sure a tire's load rating is at least a high as the tire you are replacing.

Choose the Right Tire

Perhaps the biggest mistake a consumer can make whenreplacing tires is not using the correct size. On the sidewall of your tire, you'll find a code that tells the tire's size and capabilities. Here's a sample code:

P195/60R16 63H M+S
  • P - Type of tire
  • 195 - Width of the tire across the tread in millimeters
  • 60 - Aspect ratio of the sidewall compared to the width
  • R - Radial construction
  • 16 - Diameter of the rim in inches
  • 63 - Tire's load rating
  • H - Tire's speed rating
  • M+S - Tire is suitable for all-season driving

If the tire-size code starts with LT instead of P, it means the tire is a light-truck tire. Light-truck tires are designed to have higher-load carrying capacities and are usually found on pickups and SUVs. These vehicles are not required to have LT tires, and in many cases, the original-equipment specification calls for passenger-car tires.

The speed rating translates into the tire's ability to dissipate heat, or prevent heat build-up. Heat is a tire's enemy. The more heat, the faster the tire wears, and the faster a tire might break down. A tire with a higher speed rating can dissipate more heat on long highway trips. If a consumer were to spend little time on the highway, the speed rating might not be an important factor in choosing a replacement tire.

Tires are speed rated from 99 to 186 miles per hour (159.3 to 299.3 kilometers per hour). The most common speed ratings are T (118 miles per hour or 189.9 kilometers per hour) and H (130 miles per hour or 209.2 kilometers per hour). Both of those ratings clearly exceed the nationally posted speed limits and would make excellent long-distance highway tires. If a consumer were to drive only in urban situations at low speeds, a tire with an S (112 miles per hour or 180.2 kilometers per hour) speed rating might be completely acceptable.

Another important factor in choosing a replacement tire is the load rating. The load capacity number on the tire-size code indicates the load-carrying capacity of that single tire. When selecting replacement tires, consumers have to be careful not to select a tire with a lower load-carrying capacity.

Regardless of a tire's speed rating, load-carrying ability, size and construction, traction are the keys to safety. A common mistake is to select a tire without considering its ability to hold the road. Savvy consumers will balance a tire's traction in dry conditions, in wet conditions and in the snow. If you desire a high-performance tire but live in northern climates, consider a "winter" tire for driving in the snowy season. If you live where the weather is warm all year, a touring tire may suit your needs just fine.

Most consumers will make the mistake of waiting until spring to get new tires. As a tire wears out, dry traction generally increases and wet and snow traction decrease. So the best time to buy new tires is not in the spring, but in the fall.

Passenger-car and light-truck tires are very different. Pickup and SUV owners will generally select passenger-car tires because they are less costly and offer a smoother ride. However, if a vehicle will consistently be loaded with cargo or will be asked to pull a heavy trailer, then perhaps the higher load-carrying capacity of a light-truck tire would be the better choice.


Consider How You Drive

Regardless of where you get new tires, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Know the size and type of tire recommended by your owner's manual.
  • Determine your needs and priorities. What type of driving you will be doing? Do you prefer a soft ride, a firm ride, or a mix of the two?
  • Make sure you purchase a tire that is capable of supporting the load your vehicle might demand. Don't buy a passenger-car tire if you need a light-truck tire.
  • Don't buy more tire than you need. Consumers often overestimate their tire needs. In most cases, a quality all-season tire will suffice where a touring tire might be suggested.
  • Keep in mind that any tire selection is a balance between ride quality, noise suppression, fuel economy, wear, load capability and cost. It's the job of the tire-store expert and the consumer to select a tire that is the right balance of each.
  • An interesting trend in the automotive aftermarket industry is "plus sizing." It involves mounting bigger wheels and tires on a vehicle to enhance the look or improve handling.

Plus sizing usually increases cornering response and traction. Often these gains come at the expense of increased ride harshness. In addition, these larger wheels and tires are often not as durable as OEM wheels and tires.

A few items of note for consumers considering plus sizing:

  • Make sure that the tire and wheel are approved for use on your vehicle.
  • Make sure that the replacement tire has the same load-carrying capacity.
  • The new wheel and tire combination should be within 3 percent +/- the original tire diameter.
  • Make sure that a new tire placard is installed to inform future owners of the correct tire pressure.

New vs. Used Tires

You've probably seen used car tire piles along the side of the road at some point. But should you purchase a used tire to save money and will it hold up as long? Most people opt for new tires, but some look to used tires as a way to save money.

Consider the fact that some retailers have deals where you buy three tires and you get the fourth free. You may not necessarily need to replace that fourth tire, but you do because it's free. Used tires that are only slightly worn, like in this situation, may be a good option to save a little money.

The flip side is purchasing an old or worn out tire that isn't safe. Used tires may have defects, punctures or tread-wear you may or may not be able to see. When considering purchasing a used tire you can test the depth of the tread by using a penny. Simply flip the penny upside down and place it inside each of the tire's tread grooves. If the top of Lincoln's head can be seen from any of the grooves then the tread is too low [source: Consumer Reports].

If the tread is still good, you still need to inspect the tire for any defects. This may be difficult and some problems may not be noticeable until the tire is on the vehicle. Purchasing a used tire that has already been plugged or patched may save money, but is not a good idea. Worn tires will not stop as fast and will be more likely to skid on wet surfaces [source: Consumer Reports].

New tires will come with some type of guarantee or warranty that a used tire will not have. If you want a little piece of mind that your tires are in the best condition possible, buy new ones.

Read more tire buying tips:

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Looking to get REALLY scared? Check out Pittsburgh Scarehouse one of America's most horrifying attractions!

The ScareHouse in Pittsburgh, PA is ranked as one of "America’s Scariest Halloween Attractions" by Travel Channel and as one of America's best haunted houses by USA Today, Forbes, Fangoria, and Haunted Attraction magazine. The ScareHouse offers three haunts for just one price: The Forsaken, Pittsburgh Zombies, and NEW for 2012: Creepo's Christmas in 3-D. "Pittsburgh’s Ultimate Haunted House" is located just minutes from downtown and open on select dates from late September through October.

Visit for more information

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Parent-Teen Driving Agreement

Are you the parent of a Teen Driver? Have them sign the Parent-Teen Driving Agreement! It encourages your teens to follow the rules of the road, stay focused on driving, respect laws about drunk driving as well as agree to certain restrictions and penalties set by parents. Find the agreement here.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mazda Cx-5 Review

The new Mazda Cx-5 compact crossover with SkyActiv offers a fun “Track-worthy” ride while maintaining qualities of a family sized SUV at a low price.

The CX-5 doesn’t drive like any other existing compact SUV. It’s more lively, more involving, more steeped in the sports-car character that Mazda harps on about in its Zoom-Zoom advertising. The steering is quick and crisp, body motions are held tightly in check, and the ride is purposely firm underfoot. This is the SUV for those who promised they’d never stoop to driving one. This is where fun-to-drive lives when there are kids to convey, dogs to deliver, or a long weekend’s worth of camping gear to haul.

To watch a full video review of the Cx-5, view the video below:

Info from: and

Friday, September 21, 2012

The 2013 CX-9

Though not out yet and with a questionable release date the CX-9 is a promising SUV. Previous generations all show superior quality and luxury and Mazda is promising to improve those assets even more!

USA Today writes:

Mazda unveiled an updated 2013 CX-9 ahead of the three-row SUV's official debut at next month's Australian International Motor Show in Sydney. The automaker will launch the car Down Under later this year, but full details are still forthcoming.

It will also be coming to the U.S., which is a major CX-9 market, probably later this year as a 2013 model as well.

The SUV adopts the same Kodo design language as the smaller CX-5, with a taller grille whose framing branches into the headlights. The interplay looks good, but the CX-9's sizable front overhang diminishes some of the sportiness.

Mazda promises improved "craftsmanship and interior design," which was already exemplary in the current car. But the automaker has yet to show interior photos.

Read more:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Buy... Or Lease?

Car buyers... particularly those who are buying for the first time often wonder which is better, buying, or leasing.

Just to eliminate some confusion we thought we'd lay down what each one really means to our customers.


Who Owns It

Whether you pay for the car with cash, or finance it and make monthly payments, either way it’s yours. Of course, if you’re financing it, you’ll have to meet the obligations the lender requires, like a certain down payment amount and timely monthly payments. If you don’t, they have the right to repossess it.

Up-front Costs

If you’re financing it, the bank will probably request a down payment. You can also trade-in another vehicle and use any equity towards your down payment. The amount of the down payment is usually based on the lender’s requirements and your credit score.

Future Value

Your vehicle will be worth whatever you can sell it for in the future and that depends on how well you maintain it. (Be smart and protect your investment with regular scheduled maintenance by a factory-authorized facility!)

End of Payments

Once you’ve paid off what you owe on your contract, that’s it. Your vehicle is 100% yours. The lending institution will send you a Lien Release as proof that the vehicle is completely paid off and all yours.


Who Owns It

You do not own the car when you lease. You’re paying for the use of the vehicle, but the finance institution that you leased it through actually owns it. This is usually why you pay less per month in a lease than if you were to buy the car. .

Up-front Costs

Leases often do not require any type of a down payment. All you usually have to pay is the first month’s payment, a security deposit, the acquisition fee and other fees and taxes. But, as with a purchase, if you want to lower your monthly payments you can always pay more upfront.

Future Value

In most leases you don’t end up owning it so you don’t end up selling it. That’s the financial institution’s job. Although you may have mileage limits and wear and tear guidelines that, if you exceed them, could cost you extra money when you turn your vehicle back in.

End of Payments

Most people return the vehicle at the end of the lease term. But some like to purchase it during their lease or at the end. Others like to trade it in before their lease is over. Just ask us about these different options before signing any paperwork and we’ll make sure you have your lease set up the way you want it.

Best Cars to Lease

The best cars to lease are those with the best book value after the term of the lease. Since they depreciate less, you pay less. Review the lease ratings to see which cars retain their value.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Some Generous Hamsters

It's official, the KIA Hamsters are back in action... maybe they were just on vacation for awhile? At any rate the fun rodents want to try and give away one of the new KIA Souls in a new contest!

Inside Line details:

•A $14,400 2013 Kia Soul is up for grabs in a new contest featuring the Korean brand's hip-hop hamsters.

•Kia is launching its fourth installment of its award-winning dancing hamster advertising campaign with a new commercial and an online contest.

•Kia fans are encouraged to create and upload to YouTube a 90-second video that is set to "In My Mind," an Axwell remix that's the ad's soundtrack.

For more details you can visit:

Friday, August 31, 2012

New Sleek Mazda 6

Looks like Mazda has a sleek new champion headed our way, the new sleek Mazda 6.

Wheels Blog writes:

Mazda introduced its 2014 Mazda 6 at the Moscow motor show on Tuesday. The redesigned midsize sedan will mix it up with recently updated entries from Ford, Chevrolet, Nissan, Honda and Toyota. Judging by the details released by Mazda at the show, the 6 seems well equipped for the fight.

Unlike the recently introduced Mazda CX-5 crossover, which bore just a passing resemblance to the Minagi design exercise that preceded it, the new 6 appears to be quite faithful to the Takeri sedan concept first shown at the Tokyo motor show in 2011. In keeping with the automaker’s practice of ascribing mythical language to its engineering and design principles, both cars bear the influence of Kodo, or soul of motion, the philosophy that displaced Nagare, Mazda’s previous design language.

Like the Takeri concept, the 6 bears pronounced front fender arches, sharply creased character lines that sweep upward from the bottom of the front wheel wells, a smoothly arcing roofline over a crescent of side window glass and a gaping front grille that departs a bit from the much-maligned “Mazda smile.” The car has a slippery, low-slung look that is borne out by a 0.26 coefficient of drag.

Read more:

Friday, August 24, 2012

Headed Back To School? This Car's For You!

School for most people is already starting up, especially for college students... but for students and their driving needs a lot of important factors come up: Styler, comfort, speed, fuel economy, and of course the ability to haul all of your friends... so what's the best car?

USA Today thinks that car is the Kia Soul:

We're barely into August and already radio is blaring ads for back to school. Heck, who wants to think about wading back into the classroom when the surf's up, the sun is shining and the mosquitoes are still nipping?

Well, there's no holding back some, like CarMax, which just published its list of recommended cars for returning students. Kelley Blue Book also has a list that's heavy on really small cars.

What both lists have in common is the Kia Soul, a fun small car if there ever was one.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mazda Is Shedding Some Pounds!

Mazda is planning on shedding some pounds in the future in a BIG way! They have set a goal to lose 220lbs, but not just in one car, they want to lose 220lbs of weight with EACH car redesign moving forward.

CSMonitor writes:

While all automakers realise the benefits of making their cars lighter, it's only been relatively recently that some models have actually weighed less than their predecessors.

Demands for safety, equipment, larger engines, more comfort and more space have pushed vehicle weight up so far that some cars are fifty percent heavier than their equivalent from 20 years ago.

Mazda started reversing this trend several years ago, and now it's making a bold statement: it wants to eliminate 220 pounds of weight every time it re-designs one of its models.

Read more:

Friday, August 10, 2012

Testing The 2012 Sorento

The Sorento has been through a lot of criticism in the past, but the 2012 Sorento is a fun SUV that has style, comfort, and technology on its side.

Newsday had the opportunity to take the 2012 Sorento out for a spin, and here's what they had to say:

In 2003, Kia introduced the midsize Sorento SUV, which for a while replaced the Sportage, which had been the brand's only sport utility since the South Korean automaker arrived in the United States in the mid-'90s.

The Sportage two years later was reintroduced as a compact crossover, and remains in the Kia lineup.
But the Sorento has racked up much better sales, and that continues this year.

Kia had sold 26,011 Sorentos through March, compared with 9,888 of the smaller Sportage.
There was no 2010 model for the U.S. market, but a completely redesigned Sorento went on sale in early 2010 as a 2011 model, based on the architecture of the Hyundai Santa Fe.

It was the first product to come out of the new Kia factory in West Point, Ga., which now also builds the Santa Fe on the same assembly line.

With the remake, the Sorento switched from a truck-style body-on-frame configuration to a crossover unibody design that offers more interior space, with room for up to seven passengers.

The exterior was all new, with Kia design cues such as wraparound headlights lined up to the sporty grille (in a nice, friendly grin).

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Friday, August 3, 2012

The Hamsters Are Back

Yes, it's true... the hamsters are back... or at least they will be!

The KIA Hamsters that commercial viewers everywhere loved, particularly with the release of the Soul are making a comeback it could only be coincidence that this announcement comes shortly after the announcement of a new Soul unveiling for next year... but it's probably meant to be.

EGMCartech wrote:

Fans of Kia’s team of hip hamsters will be happy to learn that they’ll be returning in their fourth iteration as Kia seeks to keep their campaign going with their Soul. This comes after the announcement that Kia will be unveiling a new Soul next year.

According to AutomotiveNews, Reuters spoke with Kia’s executive vice-president of marketing and communications, Michael Sprague, who was noted for touting the success of the Soul and its associated marketing campaign.

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Future In Braking

Could Mazda's future in braking technology save you money at the gas pump? The answer is yes!

Exciting news has been released for future Mazda models with the introduction of i-ELOOP. This is an energy recycling program triggered from braking that can save drivers approx. 10% on fuel economy!

We'll let Automobile Mag give the details:

Unlike other regenerative braking systems, like those used in hybrid cars that use a dedicated electric motor and battery, Mazda’s new system uses a capacitor that can be charged and discharged rapidly and can last many more cycles without deterioration compared to a battery.

Mazda’s system works toward the same goal as a hybrid’s — converting the vehicle’s kinetic energy into electricity as it decelerates; the stored energy is used to power the climate control, audio system and other vehicle electrical components. The Japanese automaker says the i-ELOOP system works with the company’s i-Stop start-stop system to extend the time the engine can be shut off.

Because i-ELOOP doesn’t use a dedicated electric motor, it adds a new 12 to 25 volt variable voltage alternator, a low resistance electric double layer capacitor, and a DC/DC converter. When the vehicle begins to decelerate, the alternator generates as much as 25 volts to quickly charge the Electric Double Layer Capacitor (EDLC) for electrical energy storage. The DC/DC converter steps voltage down from 25 to 12 before the released energy is sent to the vehicle’s electrical system. i-ELOOP can also charge the vehicle’s battery if needed.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Tips For A Long Trip

Long road trips in your car can be cumbersome... They take not only a toll on your car (As it's doing most of the work) but also you as a driver... So here are a few tips and facts to stay safe!

1) Take a break every two hours!

Did you know this? The mind tends to wander, "Highway fever" can start to take over, you easily lose attention span, and that's how accidents can occur. To reduce this risk it's recommended you take an out of car break to stretch your legs and get fresh air once every two hours. It sounds like a waste of time, but it saves time compared to what you'd spend if an accident were to occur!

2) Sleep during the day

If you're taking a multiple day/night trip make sure when you're resting and sleeping that it's during the day! Studies show that while less places are open at night and that is a disadvantage, that the roads are also much less occupied. Driving at night can mean less waits in traffic jams and less risk of a car to car collision.

3) You may not need a break... but your car does.

Even if you're car is brand new, fluids are topped, and tires are new... extended driving without stopping can have a MAJOR impact on the future condition of your car. Constant stopping heats rotors, constant driving has tire wear, and prolonged engine heat can lead to stretched belts... so even if you don't need to stop, stop every few hours for your cars sake.

Friday, July 13, 2012

When To Refuel

How long do you wait to fill up your gas tank? Do you consistently keep it full, half empty, riding close to the 'E' mark?

One blogger writes about what she thinks the advantages and disadvantages are of different fuel levels.

Kristy Welsh writes:

There has recently been a lot of talk on how you can get better gas mileage by driving when your tank is half full to empty or making sure you fill up when your tank is half full. Which is correct – or does either method hold any water?

The fill ‘er up when it’s half full foks proclaim that if you leave the gas tank empty, the gas will be evaporating in the empty space of the tank. Gas tanks are designed to force out all those gas fumes from the tank into the atmosphere and this gas is wasted. Yes, it’s true, but how much gas are you actually losing? To tackle this one, I woke up the engineering part of my brain (I used to be one) and looked at a paper published by the Environmental Protection Agency and their analysis of gasoline storage tanks and the evaporation rates.

At 60 degrees Fahrenheit, a gallon of vehicular gasoline weighs about 6.15 pounds. In the above paper on page 87 (if you want to chew through it), they go over what the gasoline vapor losses are for large storage tanks. For a 8400 gallon tank the total loss is 48 lbs (or about 8 gallons) a year.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

The 2013 Kia Optima SX Limited Priced

Kia has come out with its pricing for the new fully loaded optima, starting at $34k. This comes with everything you love about Kia, with an additional suite of tech and creature comforts to keep you happy for years to come.

Kia has released the pricing details on the new Kia Optima SX with a Limited Package and if you’re interested get ready to fork out a starting price of $34,500. 
Of course, there aren’t many options since the Optima SXL comes totally fully-loaded with all the bells and whistles – but when you do add the $775 destination fee, you’re looking at a total of $35,275. 
“With the arrival of the Optima SXL, the Kia brand propels itself into a more premium class, which is something consumers have told us they want to see when they walk into our showrooms,” said Tom Loveless, Kia Motors America executive vice president, in a statement on Monday. 
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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Mazda MX-5 GT Concept

The Mazda MX-5 GT concept is an attractive new car that is a head turner for car enthusiasts everywhere. Not only is it a fast edition to Mazda's lineup, but it is a gorgeous example of what Mazda can do when they put their minds to it.

Mazda is already developing an all-new MX-5, but before they let go of the current generation they’re milking it for all it’s worth. Here’s another concept version of the car, made for the 2012 Goodwood Festival of Speed, inspired by their fairly successful MX-5 GT race car and powered by a 205bhp normally aspirated 2.0-litre Mazda petrol engine. Mazda wants to see people’s reaction to a high performance super Miata.
So does that mean we’re going to get a performance version of the current MX-5? Only time will reveal the answer to that question. This GT Concept also gets an uprated suspension system with adjustable settings for track use, a carbon aero package with a front splitter, fender flares and a rear diffuser as well as a bootlid spoiler, plus a sport exhaust system with central pipe, which looks and sounds better than the standard setup.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Kia Soul: A Top Coolest Car Under $18k

The Kia Soul was named one of the Top Coolest New Cars Under $18,000 by Kelly Blue Book! The Soul, which has gained its fame from its unique style and design, was named among the to ten coolest cars of the year for practicality, high-value appeal, and its "funky" style.
The 2012 Kia Soul has "shuffled" its way onto the "Top 10 Coolest New Cars Under $18,000" list by Kelley Blue Book's, a leading provider of new and used car information. Kia's iconic hatchback was honored for its unique combination of style and affordability in a fun-to-drive, fuel-efficient vehicle. 
"Our intention with Soul was to design a vehicle that is both fun and economical, and its recognition by Kelley Blue Book's as a 'cool' vehicle is further indication that we hit the mark," said Michael Sprague, executive vice president, marketing & communications, Kia Motors America (KMA). "Everything about Soul, from the viral sensation 'Share Some Soul' campaign featuring LMFAO's hit single 'Party Rock Anthem,' to performance improvements and a strong list of standard technology and safety features, has contributed to its appeal among young buyers and those who are young at heart." 
The annual "Top 10 Coolest New Cars Under $18,000" list published by Kelley Blue Book's features vehicles that are fun to drive, fun to own and, most critically, possess the decidedly subjective "cool factor." Editors at Kelley Blue Book's compiled the list of qualifying vehicles using Kelley Blue Book's exclusive Fair Purchase Price, which reflects vehicle transaction prices paid by consumers and is updated weekly to reflect changing market conditions.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mazda Planning on Hydrogen Cars

Mazda has announced its plans for new hydrogen fuel cells to be used in future lines of cars. This means a green, powerful upgrade to the already high-performing vehicles, a move that might be mirrored by many other auto makers.
The auto industry has become enamored by hydrogen fuel cells. Automakers from around the world have adopted the energy system as the power source for many of their new vehicles. Some car manufacturers have proven resilient to the charms of hydrogen fuel cells, while others have been aggressive in their adoption of the technology. As fuel cell technology becomes more advanced, the number of automakers announcing the development of hydrogen-powered vehicles is growing. Japanese automaker Mazda has become the latest company to unveil its plans for hydrogen fuel cells. 
The company is no stranger to hydrogen fuel cells, but the new RX-8 will be the first all-hydrogen vehicle Mazda has produced. In 2009, the automaker introduced the Mazda5, a hydrogen-battery hybrid. The vehicle garnered acclaim for its ability to travel 130 miles before needing to refuel. Before this, the company had plans to introduce an all-hydrogen version of its RX-8 sports car. Though this plan was scrapped in favor of the Mazda5, the automaker’s plans concerning hydrogen fuel cells do not stop there. 
Mazda has announced that it is developing a new electric motor that will be equipped with a hydrogen-powered generator. The generator contains a hydrogen fuel cell, which will be used to produce surplus electricity for the company’s future vehicles. The generator is being billed as a “range extender,” allowing its electric vehicles to travel further before needing to recharge. The company believes that this system will provide consumers with an economically viable alternative energy vehicle and help the public ease into the concept of hydrogen fuel cells.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kia Optima and Sorento Named Best Family Cars

The 2012 Kia Optima and Sorento were named as Best Family Cars of 20112 by Parents magazine and This award is given out to cars that are safe reliable, affordable, and all over winners of several categories. If you are looking for that vehicle that is jsut perfect for the family, come on by the dealership and we will introduce you to one.
Parents magazine and have named the 2012 Kia Optima midsize sedan and Kia Sorento crossover utility to the publications' "Best Family Cars of 2012" list. The accolade recognizes vehicles focusing on reliability, safety and affordability as top priorities, with the Optima and Sorento's "Top Safety Pick" designations from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) playing a key factor in being named as two of only 15 vehicles to the coveted list. Other criteria the judges considered were performance, interior quality, exterior design, family-friendly features and technology.  
 "As bold design and value are no longer mutually exclusive, the Optima and Sorento have changed the way many consumers look at what family cars can and should be," said Michael Sprague, vice president of marketing and communications, Kia Motors America (KMA). "This recognition from leading family and automotive resources Parents magazine and reinforces why these two Kia vehicles are among our top-selling products and why more families are considering Kia for the first time."  
 This is the fifth year editors from Parents magazine and auto experts at have collaborated on naming the "Best Family Cars." Hundreds of vehicles are evaluated throughout the judging process, and owners who drive these cars are also consulted prior to naming the winners.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The 2012 Mazda MX-5 Miata: Best for Road Trips

The editors of Kelly Blue Book gave the 2012 Mazda MX-5 Miada a place in the top 10 best road trip cars, a great addition to the incredible car. Not only do you get great performance, gas mileage, and raw beauty, but the Miada is also a trooper when it comes to long drives.

The 2012 Mazda MX-5 Miata today was named a 10 Best Road Trip Car in this year's convertible-themed list by the editors of Kelley Blue Book's, the leading provider of new and used car information. Also, earlier in the year, MX-5 was the recipient of another Kelley Blue Book distinction – the inaugural Total Cost of Ownership Award in the Sports Car category – as the vehicle was calculated to have the lowest average costs in the first five years of ownership. 
According to editors from Kelley Blue Book's, MX-5 earned a spot on the short list, now in its ninth year, because "whether tracing sinuous back roads or circling simple freeway on-ramps, few cars can better transform those arcs into pure joy than the Mazda MX-5 Miata." This is MX-5's second appearance on the 10 Best list, previously being named in 2007. 
"Time and time again, the MX-5 Miata proves why it is the best-selling two-seat roadster in the world and Mazda is proud to receive this recent honor from," said Jim O'Sullivan, president and CEO, Mazda North American Operations (MNAO). "Not only can the vehicle handle the Point A-to-Point B needs of a daily driver yet still offer the performance and athleticism demands to be a road racing champion, but all drivers can enjoy getting behind the wheel of a genuine sports convertible that is safe, dynamic, luxurious and attainable." 
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kia Taking Top Scoring Car Award for 2012

Kia has been honored with the "Top Scoring Car Awards of 2012" from Total Car Score, adding to its growing list of honors and awards. The Kia Soul and Sorento pushed the automaker passed the competition, driving them to the head of the award.

Total Car Score ( ), one of the most comprehensive automotive ranking and comparison websites, has named the 2012 Kia Soul as a "Top Scoring 2012 Economy Car," and the 2012 Kia Sorento as one of its "Top Scoring 2012 Midsize SUVs and Crossovers." The inaugural Total Car Score awards recognize up to two models in each automotive category. The Soul urban passenger vehicle, which received significant enhancements for the 2012 model year, earned high praise for its ease of entry, abundant headroom, standard Bluetooth®(1) and USB connectivity and a variety of colors and interior fabrics offered. The Sorento - Kia's best-selling vehicle in the U.S. in 2010 and 2011 - outranked its peers with available third-row seating, a comprehensive array of standard equipment, available UVO powered by Microsoft®(2) voice-activated infotainment system and spacious cargo capacity. 
"The popularity of the Soul and Sorento have contributed to Kia's rise to become the fastest growing car company in the U.S.(3) over the last five years, and being named to Total Car Score's 'Top Scoring Cars for 2012' list illustrates the strength of both of these offerings in their respective segments," said Michael Sprague, vice president of marketing and communications, Kia Motors America (KMA). "Both vehicles bring a unique set of attributes - from standout styling and comprehensive equipment packaging to upmarket amenities - and are emblematic of the Kia brand's success as a whole."
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mazda Sporting Excellent Gas Mileage in New Cars

Mazda is making a point with the 2013 CX-5 and the 2012 Mazda 3: gas mileage matters, and we can make it better. This is possible due to the SkyActive engine that boasts 33.1 overall mpg for the CX-5, and 38.1 overall mpg for the Mazda 3.
The trend is clear: To get higher gas mileage, almost all new cars will have smaller, more efficient engines. 
Mazda says its new line of SkyActiv engines and transmissions, though, takes the carmaker to new heights of fuel efficiency. 
We recently tested two different Mazdas fitted with its SkyActiv-G 2.0-liter four-cylinder engine and six-speed automatic transmission, and we can report: They get vastly better gas mileage than we expected. 
Five weeks ago, we had a 2013 Mazda CX-5 compact crossover. This was a vehicle we liked when it was launched, and though we discovered a few more quibbles over a long weekend, we remain fans of its looks, handling, and packaging. 
The CX-5 is the first vehicle Mazda has designed from scratch around its SkyActiv powertrain, and there's sufficient space behind the transverse engine for the lengthy and complex intertwined exhaust manifold and outflow pipes. 
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kia Winning Awards For 3 Top Lines

Kia has received the most awards under the "Most Cersatile 2012 New Cars Under $20k" list by NADAguides. These awards were given to the Rio 5-Door SX, Forte SX and Soul for their capacity, space, comfort, price, equipment, and similar qualities. Come by the dealership to learn more about how you can own your very own award winning Kia!
On the heels of achieving 20 consecutive months of year-over-year sales growth, Kia Motors America (KMA) has been recognized by NADAguides, a leading provider of vehicle pricing and information, by having three of its vehicles - Rio 5-Door SX, Forte SX and Soul + -- named to the publication's "Most Versatile 2012 New Cars Under $20K" list. Kia placed more vehicles than any other automaker on the top ten list, which is intended for new car shoppers in the market to find fuel-efficient vehicles that are feature-rich and highly-versatile for the needs of everyday driving while also being budget-friendly. 
"Having three of our vehicles named to NADAguides' 'Most Versatile 2012 New Cars Under $20K' list validates how far our brand has come in terms of quality, packaging and features development in such a short period of time," said Orth Hedrick, director of product planning, KMA. "With the presence and eye-catching style of Rio, Forte and Soul, Kia's complete vehicle line is comprised of a wide breadth of capable offerings at very affordable price points." 
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Versatile Mazda MX-5 Miata

Sometimes variety is the best possible thing to show off a timeless car such as the Miata. Here are some excellent and unique version of the car, and how some people decided to show the world their Miatas.

The Mazda MX-5 Miata is celebrated for many things, one of which is its unchanging look. The design of the Miata has not changed much in its 22 years.This is a great thing for those who love the car, and a point of contention for those who like to trash it. Still, it is one of the most affordable and fun to drive sports cars on the road today. An official redesign of the Miata is en route to showrooms in the very near future, but there are a few one-off and DIY designs that put a fresh new face on the iconic roadster. 
The MX-5 Miata Spyder concept is an aggressive redesign with a look compared to the Porsche Boxster Spyder. This concept has 17-inch Advan alloy wheels and runs off of isobutanol, the eco-fuel used in Mazda's/Dyson Racing ALMS car.The MX-5 Miata Spyder also features a lithium ion battery to increase the concept's already impressive green credentials
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Why The 2012 Mazda 5 Minivan Wins For Families

Here's a look into how one dad came to the conclusion to purchase the new Mazda 5 minivan. If you have children, this is the perfect van for you. It includes performance, ample seating, great fuel economy, is reasonably priced, and compact enough to use in a city. Sound perfect to you? Come by the dealership and take a look for yourself.

My wife and I recently undertook that most dreaded of tasks, buying a new car. Her old wheels, a wheezing, green (where it wasn’t rusted) minivan had served us well for a decade, but its days were numbered. Things have changed a bit since we bought that vehicle and we went into this round with some very clearly defined requirements. When all was said and done, we came away with a Mazda 5. I thought I’d share our experience with it so far, since many of you are right in its target demographic and tends to get overlooked in its odd position somewhere between minivan and wagon. 
Shopping for a car is both easier and more complicated than it used to be. There is a lot more information out there than ever, thanks to the web — which puts the buyer in a stronger position than ever. The downside is that so much information can be a little overwhelming. There are plenty of really useful car buying guides online (you can read Wired’s right here), and what we started out with on this exercise was a list of requirements. 
We went through the usual list of suspects: all of the minivans, the wagons and some crossovers. Everything we tried out represented a compromise of one key requirement or another. We test drove a Mazda 5 and kept coming back to it. As a vehicle for a family of five, it hit all of our key requirements pretty much spot on. 
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The New Kia K9

The new Kia K9 is soon to be released, and so far it looks like Kia is making a strong push for a luxury vehicle to add to their fleet. It certainly looks like they accomplished their mission with the new K9, and we are excited to see one up close!

Kia K9 is the Korean car maker’s new flagship model, a rear-drive luxury saloon that features a whole new design philosophy and introduces Kia to a whole new market beyond everything they’ve ever experienced. The car first launches in Korea, before reaching other markets around the world under a different name. Now, Kia just released the first pictures of the K9′s interior.

The cabin too is a first by Kia, both design-wise and in terms fo quality and finish. Up to the minute gadgets, soft touch materials everywhere, luxurious feel and look, a BMW-like gear lever, and a Mercedes-like knob for controlling the infotainment system, these are just some of the evidences Kia K9 features an interior that can rival that of the finest German saloons.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kia Partners With Wounded Warrior Project

Kia has teamed up with  the Wounded Warriors Project to help a U.S. vet out by giving him a new 2012 Kia Soul hatchback. The Wounded Warriors Project is an organization dedicated to raising awareness of wounded war veterans in the United States. The Soul given to Corporal Melendez was specifically modified to allow him to continue with his daily activities.
At the 2012 New York International Auto Show opening ceremony this weekend, Kia Motors America (KMA) joined forces with the Wounded Warrior Project, a national organization dedicated to providing help and raising public awareness for injured service members, to donate a 2012 Kia Soul hatchback to disabled veteran and United States Army Corporal Christopher Melendez. Melendez was injured in the line of duty while on routine patrol in Iraq by a "six pack shape charge" IED, resulting in severe leg and arm injuries. Working with the organizers of the New York International Auto Show, the Soul was modified to meet Melendez's specific day-to-day needs. This donation comes directly on the heels of Kia's donation to Camp Pendleton Armed Services YMCA's Operation Hero program in coordination with brand ambassador and professional women's golfer Michelle Wie. 
"Kia Motors understands that it is not only important to show our commitment to the U.S. market through investment and job creation, but also to support the service men and women in our country's armed forces," said Michael Sprague, vice president, marketing & communications, KMA. "The Wounded Warrior Project provides invaluable services to the men and women who have been injured in the line of duty, and it is an honor to donate one of our most popular vehicles to Corporal Melendez as a way to show our appreciation and support for those who have sacrificed so much."

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mazda Taking On the Wall Of Death

Mazda recently stepped up to the Wall of Death challenge with their new Mazda2 mini. The Wall of death is a giant cylinder usually reserved for cyclists to defy gravity, but now Mazda has taken it to a whole new level. Take a look at the video, would you try it?

Taking its "defy conventions" approach to a new level, Mazda got in touch with "Dynamyte" Dave Seymour and his family, who run th Demon Drome Wall of Death. 
Originally built in America in 1927, the Wall of Death is 31ft in diameter and 16ft tall. 
The Mazda2 used was a 1.5-litre Sport model with the ESP and airbags disabled, the seats removed and a driver's bucket seat installed. The front fog lamps were also removed to allow more flexibility in the bumper and uprated bump stops were fitted to the suspension so that it could deal with the high compression rate involved in running around the wall, estimated at more than twice the force of gravity.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kia Rio Tops Subcompact Ratings For Consumer Reports

The Kia Rio topped the subcompact sedan ratings from Consumer Reports, beating out Hyundai and Chevy for the top spot. Perhaps this is why sales have been up 37% over the last year, and why customers are extremely happy with their new Rios. Come by today to see why people everywhere are choosing Kia!
Consumer Reports rates the Kia Rio the top subcompact sedan, ahead of the Hyundai Accent and Chevrolet Sonic, in its road tests released Thursday. 
CR test drivers praised the redesigned Rio for its nimble handling, smooth transmission and relatively low level of noise for a subcompact. The magazine also cited the Hyundai Elantra for top MPG and the Chevrolet Sonic for comfortable ride and good handling, but ranked them just below the Rio. The full results appear in the May issue or, for subscribers, online at the Consumer Reports web site. 
The overall tests showed how much subcompacts have improved recently as auto makers work to meet consumer demand and federal regulations for higher gas mileage. "Subcompact cars were once collectively known as penalty boxes for their noisiness, rudimentary interiors, uncomfortable rides and weak performance," notes David Champion, head of the CR auto test center. "But now improved redesigns, combined with an affordable price and impressive fuel economy, make a number of subcompacts good choices for people looking to stretch their budget."
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The 2013 Mazda CX-5

The 2013 Mazda CX-5 is already getting great reviews and turning some heads. Take a look at this article on  the Washington Post about how this car is perfect for car enthusiasts.
Meet the 2013 Mazda CX-5 Grand Touring AWD, the most complete compact crossover-utility vehicle I’ve driven to date. That includes the CX-5’s outstanding Japanese rival, the redesigned Honda CR-V. 
The CR-V has a slightly larger four-cylinder engine than the CX-5 — 2.4 liters for the Honda (185 horsepower, 163 foot-pounds of torque), compared with 2 liters for the Mazda (155 horsepower, 150 foot-pounds of torque). But it’s the overall quality of Mazda’s engineering and vehicle design that’s impressive. 
A larger engine, for example, does not guarantee better driving. What matters is how engine power is produced and transmitted. In the CX-5, those operations constitute a collective work of genius.
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